
Das Produkt enthält 9 Aromen, die in extra Virgin Olive Oils, 3 defects that must not be present in quality olve oils and a publication in English on how to train the sense of smell and how to taste extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Trainieren Sie Ihren Sinn des Smells und Ihres Olivenöls Tasting Fähigkeiten. You will rapid learn to recognise the aromas most frequently found in high quality Olive Oils. This is a must-have tasting tool for both amateurs who are approaching the world of tasting and for expert tasters who want to refine their sense of smell. These aromas are widely used by sommeliers and professionals.
TASTERPLACE is a supplier of aroma kits to Sommelier Associations.
Es ist eine elegante Geschenkidee für alle Olivenölliebhaber und ein lustiges Spiel, um mit Familie und Freunden zu spielen.
Improve rapidly your olfactory memory by training with these aromas. Die 12 Aromen enthalten sind: Grapefruit, Apple, Banane, Tomato Leaf, Artichoke, Green Grass, Bay Leaf, Almond, Blackberry, Musty-Humid-Earthy (Defect), Rancid (Defect), Fusty-Muddy-Sediment (Defect).