
Dieser Top-Rioja aus Garnacha Tinta wird inzwischen unter der Federführung von Álvaro Palacios gekeltert. Der kleine Rebberg von 3 Hektar nahe Alfaro (Rioja) wurde mit alten Garnacha-Reben aufgestockt und der Wein wird von Jahr zu Jahr besser. Luis Gutiérrez von Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate vergibt stolze 97-100 Punkte: “I also tasted the very young barrel sample of the 2021 Quiñón de Valmira, a year with stress and small berries with a very mild summer that resulted in a wine with great concentration and finesse, with a pH of 3.46 and six grams of acidity (higher than the average). The wine is still a baby (six months old!), but it feels quite balanced and is not oaky at all; it is harmonious, clean and quite expressive, even if it has lots of concentration and a big structure. This is a great vintage of Valmira in the making, super balanced, perhaps the finest ever? They expect to fill some 4,300 bottles around April 2023.“ (Luis Gutiérrez, Jul. 2022)

Weingut / Hersteller: Álvaro Palacios

Rebsorte: 0 Garnacha Tinta


EAN: 8411580036013